With the return of all elementary school students to class on April 5th, the OST Program is now on hiatus. Those seeking afterschool care are encouraged to check out Curiosity Club.
The John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton is here for your family during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We are pleased to offer an Out-of- School Time Program that will augment what Newton Public School’s is able to offer while providing wrap around childcare for elementary and middle school students to give working parents options during this difficult time. The program begins with full day coverage available for as long as it is required. Once hybrid learning starts, the program provides two half days and three full days of coverage that will match up with your child's school schedule. Full day coverage is available for those who select the full remote option. To see what the Club looks like, you can take a virtual tour by clicking HERE.
During Summer and Fall of 2020 we provided 25 weeks of high quality childcare under full Covid-19 precautions. We also upgraded the WIFI throughout our facility to the level required to facilitate online learning for students.
We are pleased to be able to offer remote learning at the Club and to provide a full day of activities to engage your child during out-of-School time while always putting the HEALTH and SAFETY of the children and staff first.
Safety is the number one priority of The John M Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton, and we continue to do everything possible to keep children, our staff, and volunteers protected from the COVID-19 virus. We follow EEC and CDC guidelines and regulations including limitations on group size, vehicular transport, and activities.
Every day parents attest online to their child’s good health before arriving at the Club. With drop off times staggered, upon arrival qualified admitting staff members, in full PPE, take a temperature check and ensure a child has his/her mask on. The child(ren) is/are then escorted into the building to join their same everyday group and same everyday staff. While maintaining social distancing with masks on, hand washing takes place throughout the day always with staff supervision. Children who have been in contact with someone exhibiting symptoms and those with a temperature of greater than 100 degrees may not attend.
The Club enjoys the year round support of a team of highly motivated youth development professionals who are First Aid and CPR certified. We explore the activities that we enjoy most in our daily lives are constantly researching new ideas and techniques. All staff undergo rigorous background checks, drug testing, and hours of training to prepare for the season. Ratios range between 5 to 1 and 10 to 1 depending on the age of the children. Our job is to give your kids a memorable experience and we take our job seriously. We put safety first in all that we do.
Payment for the first week is due at time of registration. Bills are provided monthly and payments are due before the start of each month.
Grades K to 2 5 Day Pricing (two 6 hour days of in person school)
Grades 3 to 5 5 Day Pricing (two 4.5 hour days of in person school)
3 Day Pricing (Elementary & Middle)
The Out-of-School Time Program is offered on a sliding scale fee basis. Your fee is determined by your family income as reported on your Annual Year 2020 or 2021 Tax Return. Consult the PDF below for more detailed fee information. If you are experiencing hardship and cannot afford to pay the hardship rate, email Dawn Proia at dproia@newtonbgc.com to request additional assistance.
The Boys & Girls Club of Newton is unable to offer transportation services for the Out-of-School Time Program. All transportation must be parent provided or arranged.
Click the Orange Link Below To Register. Space is extremely limited for Winter 2020 Programs and is offered on a first come, first served basis.

Rates Decrease Whenever Schools Increases In-Person Days

Questions, Answers and what might come next?
Register and pay your deposit to secure your spot today!
All Payments are Non-Refundable. Rates will be pro-rated if Newton switches to full in person school during the middle of a month
Elementary or Middle School
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