The time and energy of countless volunteers are key ingredients to the quality and future of our work. We thank you and the many others who make the Club what it is, especially those who enthusiastically work and play with our children each and every day.
To find out how you can get involved, contact the Program Director at 617-630-2066.
Background checks are a legal requirement that ensure member safety, and must be completed prior to volunteer placement. We encourage you to connect with a Club staff member to find out what volunteer opportunities we currently have and where your time can make the biggest impact.
Community Partnership Days - From facilities maintenance such as landscaping or painting to employee team building programs such as a bike build or cook out, we have worked with many businesses in and around our community.
Afterschool Games Room and Gym Activities - Billiards, foosball, ping pong, board games, basketball, soccer, and other active games.
Adults are often needed to teach sports-person-ship and skills to youth in our games rooms and gymnasium. Having additional adults in the games room means that our members are surrounded with positive role models. One-on-one interaction between youth and adults is an essential building block for healthy development of youth.
Teen Nights - Basketball, computers, dance, supervision, concessions, and games room.
Teen Night events are for middle and high school youth in our communities. Adults are needed to build relationships with teens and interact with them in this safe, fun, and age-appropriate environment. Volunteers must be outgoing and interested in building relationships with teens.
Education Center and Computers - Homework assistance, tutoring, storytelling, word processing, Web design, Internet surfing, tech support, supervision, and programming.
Today's families are pulled in all directions. It is often difficult for parents to take the time out of their day to help their child with homework. Each day, kids come to our Clubs looking for assistance and attention. Volunteers are often needed to give each student the attention they deserve. Adult tutors are also needed to meet with youth to help build their skills in a particular area.
Coaching - Flag football, tackle football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, soccer, martial arts, track, and dodgeball.
Coaching takes a special person who cares about youth and who can model teamwork, sports-person-ship, and the joy of being involved in a positive, healthy activity.
We need basketball coaches from October to February!
Advisors - Torch Club (12–14 years), Keystone Club (14–18 years), SMART Moves, and SMART Girls.
Youth who understand citizenship will take part in their communities throughout their lives. Volunteers are needed to advise Boys & Girls Club members in the ways of good citizenship, teaching the skills of democracy, planning events, working in a team, and helping others.
Volunteers for the above programs must be over 21, and must make a one-year commitment to the group they facilitate. Time commitment is beyond four hours per month.
Special Skills - Cooking, art, dance, magic, outdoors, environmental education, and biking.
Each of us has a special passion. Whether it’s kites, cupcakes, model airplanes, or anything else—one-time demonstrations or weekly classes—you choose the topic and the format! Don't be shy…your hobby might be just what some child needs to keep him or her going when the things get tough.
Maintenance - Our Clubs is used by hundreds of kids daily, construction, painting, cleaning, grounds keeping, landscaping, or van repair.
Our Clubs are each used by hundreds of kids daily, and our equipment and facilities get extreme use by active kids. If you have a skill or an interest in this area, your help can save the Club dollars better spent on providing activities for youth, and you can help create an environment where members feel comfortable and at home.
Fundraising - Special events, board member or join a committee.
Volunteers in this arena work on special events and fundraising for the Club.
Torch/Keystone Clubs – Volunteers are needed to work with teens between the ages of 11-18 in community service programs.
Mentoring Program – Volunteers are needed to serve as positive role models in one-on-one relationships. Time can be spent talking, doing homework, playing games, or participating in other Club programs. Adult mentors are asked to spend at least one hour a week for a minimum of 13 weeks meeting with the youth at the Club.
Generally, we need volunteers who are able to commit to one or two hours per week, for at least three months. Some short-term projects and single-event opportunities arise occasionally.
There are three qualities, which we ask all of our volunteers to exhibit when working with children:
Openness: Children are naturally a little shy. You may find that they can be reluctant to approach you. For this reason it is important that you be as friendly and have a positive attitude as much as possible. Let them know you are willing to listen to them at any time.
Inclusiveness: None of our members should ever be made to feel “left out” of an activity. Typically, the children who would benefit from your help the most are those that shun the spotlight – those that are not first in line for an activity. You must seek them out and make then feel welcome and included.
Vigilance: As part of a team of professional staff members and volunteers, you must share in the responsibility of maintaining the safety and well being of our members. You must be sensitive to situations where verbal abuse, “bullying,” intimidation, or other negative behavior is occurring and do your best to redirect the conversation or put a stop to the behavior.
Approved Methods of Discipline
The behavior of the children under your care is your responsibility. You should feel free to ask a child to leave an activity or an area at any time if they are being disruptive. If a child is misbehaving, start with a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, you may give them a “time out”. If the problem gets worse, send the child to a professional staff member. Never strike or physically restrain a child. At the appropriate time, please discuss any issues or disruptions with a Club staff member.
As a class or activity instructor you have four major responsibilities:
1. Recruitment: You must advertise the class/activity you plan to teach. During the start-up period (usually two or three visits) it is important that you develop and nurture relationships with children who are likely to take an interest in your class/activity. Announce the start of your class so that the children know when it is beginning. Talk about your class/activity with the kids you know and those you have worked with before. At your request, the Club staff will assist you with creating and posting of flyers.
2. Set-up: It is your responsibility to ensure that all materials necessary for the class/activity are available before the class is to begin. Whenever possible, games, game boards, or examples for the children to follow should be set up prior the start time. If any materials or equipment needs to be purchased, you must inform the Program Director and give him/her at least one week to act on your request prior to start time.
3. Instruction: Once your ideas have been approved by the Program Director, it is up to you to decide how the class/activity will be taught. Your basic goal should be for the children to gain knowledge and/or to develop a particular skill. You will encounter children at different levels of development and you must decide who will benefit most from your direct attention. Sometimes you provide the best student in the class with a challenge, other times you must start from scratch and spend all of your time with a new person. Do whatever you can to keep the class/activity interesting and fun for the majority of the kids who attend. Never leave your class/group unattended. If you need assistance with a disciplinary matter, send one of the other children to get help.
4. Clean-up: At the conclusion of a class/activity you must make sure that all equipment and materials are put away. Our organization does not have a lot of money and the cost of replacing lost equipment is high. If the floor needs to be swept or a table needs to be washed, ask a Club staff member for cleaning supplies. Whenever possible, you should require the children to assist with the clean up.