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SUMMER 2020 - COVID-19

Safety remains the number one priority of The John M Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton, and we are doing everything possible to keep children, our staff, and volunteers protected from the COVID-19 virus. During this time, we will follow CDC guidelines and regulations of the Newton Health Department including limitations on group size, vehicular transport, and activities. We will continue to encourage hand washing and increased cleaning routines that were in effect prior to quarantine and we will have adequate sanitation supplies to ensure that all kids, staff, and volunteers are safe when the Club reopens. 

We expect camp to look very different this summer than it has in the past. Field trips, swimming, and all activities requiring vehicle transportation have been removed from the schedule. In addi-tion, we can no longer provide morning and afternoon care for members due to the time required for the additional daily cleaning. Groups (including staffing) will be uniform and cohesive through-out the camp day. In addition, due to anticipated small group sizes and to minimize exposure to incoming campers, we are restricting registration to 2 week blocks. It is expected that daily no-touch temperature checks may be required upon your child's arrival to camp. 

We hope to be able to relax some of these restrictions as the summer progresses and that next summer will see the return of many of these camp favorites. 


Camp BGC focuses on the WHOLE experience of Camp, which allows us to fully implement quality programming that is unique and fun. There are five sessions each summer and each session has a unique theme and field trips. During the days, campers will be engaged with socially distant sports, arts & crafts, project-based learning activities, service learning, creative projects that are site specific at the Club and much more. 


Due to reduced capacity, all deposits and payments are 100% non-refundable unless camp is closed by the Newton Health Department.  There will be no exceptions made to this during Summer 2020.


The John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club is committed to helping all children have a quality summer camp experience regardless of their family’s financial situation - especially those impacted by the Covid-19 Panemic.


Fill out our financial aid Application online and attach the necessary supporting documentation.


The required deposit is applied to your fee for camp. It is not an application Fee.  Applications without deposit will not be processed.



The summer camp staff are highly motivated professionals, college and high school students. All counselors are first aid and cpr-trained. We go through a rigorous training session each year and a thorough background investigation is required. 


We maintain a 5 to 1 ratio with children 5-6 years old and a 10 to 1 ratio for children and teens 7 years and older. We are a group of educators, professionals and students who first and foremost view safety as the most important component when working with children and teens. Together, we are a diverse group of people who look forward to giving your child(ren) and teen(s) a memorable and exciting summer.


Space is extremely limited this summer and there are no refunds unless the Camp is closed by the Newton Health Department.  Choose your sessions carefully as it may not be possible to switch them later.

A separate and complete Registration Packet must be submitted for each camper.  Complete all forms in the registration packet.


All campers are required to submit prior to their first day of camp, a Certificate of Immunization which must be dated within 18 months of camp attendance dates. Click the pink link below to upload your information.



PLEASE NOTE: Session four (August 10 - August 21) is accepting wait list applications only.  If you submit your application by using the orange button below, we will contact you should space be available.  No deposit is required to be added to the wait list.  

This is the main registration form.   If you will be applying for financial aid, you may do so as well at this time by clicking the red button.

Those interested in applying for financial aid should use this link. 

A reduced deposit is required.  No applications processed without deposit

Subject to Availability - You will be contacted and refunded your additional deposit if a session is wait-listed

Parents must submit this form daily before the start of each camp day.  Save the link as a favorite on your mobile device

Per order of the Newton Health Department all campers must submit their medical forms prior to their first day of camp

Parents must review and complete this policy attestation before their children may begin camp. 



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